Why is body fat percentage important?
Body fat percentage is an important indicator of a person's health status and is more comprehensive than pure weight data. Even if two people weigh the same but have different body fat percentages, their health risks can be very different. Excessive body fat percentage may lead to metabolic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and even increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, so it is important to learn to correctly interpret body fat meter data.
What is a healthy body fat percentage?
The ideal range for body fat percentage varies based on gender and age. The following are the ranges of healthy body fat percentages:
age group | Healthy body fat percentage for men (%) | Healthy body fat percentage for women (%) |
20-39 years old | 8-20% | 21-32% |
40-59 years old | 11-22% | 23-33% |
Over 60 years old | 13-25% | 24-35% |
remind: If the body fat rate exceeds the normal range, it does not mean that there is an immediate disease, but it should be taken seriously.

How to interpret body fat meter data?
- The difference between BMI and body fat percentage:
- BMI (Body Mass Index) can only reflect the ratio of weight to height and cannot distinguish the composition of fat and muscle.
- Body fat percentage directly indicates the proportion of fat in the body, which can more accurately reflect body composition.
- Common causes of abnormal body fat percentage:
- Lack of exercise: Lack of exercise reduces muscle mass and increases fat proportion.
- Poor diet: High-sugar and high-fat diets can easily lead to fat accumulation.
- Excessive stress or lack of sleep: These factors can affect hormonal balance and promote fat accumulation.
- Solution: Strategies to Adjust Body Fat Percentage
- sports: At least 150 minutes of moderate-to-high-intensity aerobic exercise per week, plus weight training, can effectively reduce body fat.
- diet: Reduce high-sugar and high-fat foods and increase protein and dietary fiber intake.
- life management: Maintain a good routine, reduce stress, and promote normal functioning of hormones.
How to achieve long-term health goals?
Controlling body fat percentage is not only for appearance, but also an important step to maintain health. It is recommended to use a body fat meter to monitor data regularly, combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise. When it comes to lifestyle adjustments, the key is not to rush for quick results and to develop long-term healthy habits.