When is the best time to take probiotics? When and how to eat, the benefits are endless!


  • What are probiotics?
  • Understand the mechanism of action of probiotics
  • When is the best time to take probiotics?
  • Who specifically needs probiotic supplements?
  • How and when should you take probiotics? Common mistakes in supplementing methods
  • 4 things to note when taking probiotic supplements
  • Probiotics FAQ

Everyone knows that probiotics should be supplemented, but there are always many questions about when, when and how to take probiotics. Although probiotics have many benefits, if they are not taken at the right time and method, they may not be able to exert their maximum effect and effect.

What are probiotics?

The so-called "Probiotics" actually come from the Greek word pro-bios, which means to support life. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization, probiotics are: "active microorganisms that, when administered in sufficient amounts, confer health benefits on the host."

There are many types of probiotics, among which Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the most common. Different types of probiotics have different effects. For example, some probiotics can help digestion; others can adjust physical fitness and regulate physiological functions, and have a wide range of effects.

Understand the mechanism of action of probiotics and what are the benefits of supplementing them?

Before introducing the benefits of probiotics, we must first mention the mechanism of action of probiotics. There are many microorganisms in the environment we live in, including bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. The composition and activities of these microorganisms can affect our health.The important thing about "probiotics" is that they can "change the bacterial ecology" to achieve health maintenance effects.

The mechanisms of action of probiotics can be divided into three mechanisms: "non-specific", "species-specific" and "strain-specific". Generally speaking, most probiotics can block the colonization of harmful substances and lower the PH value. To resist threats in other ways, this is a "non-specific" mechanism of action. "Species specificity" involves regulating physiological functions and promoting metabolism. Finally, there is the "strain-specific" mechanism. Strain is like the ID card number of probiotics. Different strains have different effects, including adjusting physical fitness, improving sports performance, etc.

When is the best time to take probiotics?

Probiotics are recommended to be taken between meals to avoid the impact of food and gastric acid.It is also recommended that you replenish it at the same time every day to make it a habit and less likely to be forgotten. The following is a list of recommended ways to eat probiotics. Come and check if you are eating them right!

  •  Take with room temperature or cold water

Take with room temperature or cold water

  • It is recommended that young children eat it with room temperature supplementary food

If your probiotics are in powder form, considering the risk of choking if the powder is eaten directly by young children, it is recommended that it be added to non-staple food at room temperature for consumption together.

  • Wait at least 1 hour after taking the medicine before eating it

To avoid interactions between medications and probiotics, it is recommended to wait at least 1 hour after taking medications before supplementing with probiotics. in addition,If you need to take medication, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice on taking probiotics just to be on the safe side.

  • Stay at least one hour away from irritating foods (garlic, coffee, tea)

In order to prevent food from affecting the effectiveness of probiotics, it is recommended to stagger the consumption of irritating foods such as garlic and coffee. It is recommended that the interval be at least one hour.

  • Need to be consumed for a long time

Considering that the colonization rate of probiotics is not 100%, and they will naturally be excreted in the feces after a period of time, it is recommended to continue to supplement probiotics to maintain a good condition at all times.

In addition, because probiotics are health foods and not medicines, the effects will not be immediately apparent, and everyone will have different feelings due to their different physical constitutions. Only by continuing to consume them for a period of time will the effects be seen more easily.We also remind you that probiotics are health foods for maintenance. If there is a situation that requires immediate treatment, we still recommend that you seek medical help as soon as possible!

Who specifically needs probiotic supplements?

People who are susceptible to discomfort during the change of seasonsProbiotics help adjust the body's constitution and are recommended for people who are susceptible to discomfort during the change of seasons.
Pregnancy and lactation periodUnder the influence of many factors, it is easy to have irregular bowel movements during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The introduction of probiotics at this time can help maintain the function of the digestive tract and smooth bowel movements. Pregnancy and lactation are an extraordinary period. For safety reasons, please consult your doctor before consuming any food.
female groupThe sweltering heat of summer, wearing tight pants, and being sedentary due to a busy work schedule can cause personal problems to reoccur and become difficult to resolve. Probiotics can adjust the body's constitution by changing the bacterial ecology, which is of great help to female friends in maintaining their health.
EatersPeople who often eat out are more difficult to maintain a balanced diet. They usually do not consume enough vegetables and fruits, and coupled with less exercise and drinking less water, they are prone to have difficulty in defecation. Timely supplementation of probiotics can help maintain the function of the digestive tract, make defecation smooth, and prevent accumulation, reducing burden and making bowel movements more comfortable!
People who need help falling asleepModern people have trouble sleeping at night due to many reasons such as stressful life, high work pressure or post-menopause. Don’t ignore insomnia at this time! Insomnia means not getting enough rest, which will further lead to lack of energy and poor performance during the day, which will have a negative impact on the body, mind and soul in the long run. It is recommended to start by creating a comfortable sleeping environment and developing good habits, such as taking a relaxing bath, listening to healing music, applying essential oils, not using mobile phones, etc. In addition, you can also try supplementing with probiotics. Some probiotics can help you fall asleep.

How and when should you take probiotics? See here for common mistakes and supplementary methods!

Probiotics should be consumed between meals. What are the wrong ways to supplement probiotics when consuming them?

Wrong way to eat: 1. Drink hot with water:Since probiotics are not heat-resistant, it is recommended to consume them with room temperature water.

Wrong way to eat 2. Children eat it directly:Probiotics are in powder form. To prevent infants and young children who are not good at swallowing from swallowing from choking, it is recommended that they be consumed with room temperature supplementary food.

Wrong way to eat 3. Take it with medicine:If you are taking medication, it is recommended to wait at least 1 hour before taking probiotics

4 things to note when taking probiotic supplements

  • Probiotic supplementation for infants is recommended after 1 year old

"At what age can you start taking probiotics? Can babies take them?" I believe this is a question that many parents are concerned about. In fact, babies begin to develop the flora ecosystem of their digestive tract when they are born through natural birth, breastfeeding (breast milk itself contains probiotics), and formula feeding (formula with added probiotics).

For infants who cannot drink breast milk, in order to meet the infant's nutritional needs as much as possible, commercially available infant formulas will add probiotics to simulate the composition of breast milk to provide the most complete nutrition. In Taiwan, infant milk powder (0-6 months old) and older infant milk powder (6-12 months old) are classified as "special nutritional foods".

In addition, probiotics are usually recognized as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe), so there should be no safety concerns when babies consume probiotics. However, there are a wide variety of probiotic products on the market, with different strains selected and the number of bacteria added. To be on the safe side, it is still recommended to start supplementing with probiotics after one year of age. At the beginning, use a small amount of powder to test the tolerance, and then increase or decrease the dosage as appropriate.

  • Pregnant women who want to take probiotics are advised to ask their doctor first

Supplementing probiotics during pregnancy can help maintain the function of the digestive tract and smooth bowel movements. However, the pregnancy and breastfeeding period is an extraordinary period. It is recommended to choose probiotics with simple and safe ingredients, and be sure to consult a doctor before consuming them!

  • Probiotics can be stored at room temperature

Generally speaking, probiotics can be stored at room temperature, but they must be placed in a cool, dry place and protected from direct sunlight. If you want to refrigerate or freeze, you need to pay special attention to avoid taking it in and out frequently.

  • The purpose of probiotic encapsulation must be confirmed

Basically, the purpose of encapsulation is to protect probiotics and allow them to successfully reach the digestive tract, colonize, and play their role. Since the embedding is coated with natural or synthetic polymer materials, excess additives will be taken in. For those who are particular about ingredients, they can also choose probiotics that have been experimentally proven to be resistant to gastric acid and choline.

Probiotics FAQ

What are probiotics?
The word probiotics comes from the Greek word pro-bios, which means to support life. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and WHO (World Health Organization) define probiotics as "active microorganisms that, when administered in sufficient amounts, confer health benefits on the host."
What are the effects of probiotics?
The effect of probiotics can make defecation smooth, and also have the functions of regulating physiological functions and adjusting body constitution.
Are probiotics and lactobacilli the same?
Probiotics are not the same as lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria refer to microorganisms that can metabolize sugars and produce more than 50% lactic acid, while probiotics are active microorganisms that are beneficial to the health of the host.
If there is no immediate effect from taking probiotics, does that mean they are ineffective?
Probiotics are food, not medicine, and the effect will not be immediate; each person will have different feelings based on their constitution and current physiological conditions. It is recommended that you continue to consume it for a period of time and observe whether the troublesome situation improves. The most important thing is to find the probiotics that suit you.
How long should I wait between taking probiotics and medicine?
It is recommended that the interval be at least 1 hour.
When to take probiotics?
It is recommended to consume it between meals to avoid being damaged by gastric acid and being affected by food.
Do probiotics need to be iced?
Probiotics can be refrigerated or frozen, but special care needs to be taken to avoid taking them in and out repeatedly. Chang Shunjun's probiotic series uses internationally authoritative probiotics. Each strain has been scientifically screened and individually studied for stability. It can be stored at room temperature and still retain activity. It is recommended to store it in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
At what age can I start taking probiotics?
Generally speaking, if infants and young children do not have any discomfort such as irregular bowel movements, they do not need additional supplements. If you have difficult and complicated diseases in the digestive tract, it is recommended to consult a doctor for advice before supplementing. ✦ Start with half a pack, observe the tolerance of infants and young children, and then increase or decrease as appropriate ✦ Do not add to overheated formula milk and supplementary food to avoid destroying the activity of bacteria ✦ To avoid possible choking when eaten directly, add room temperature water And consumed in non-staple food