Zhongli handheld blood oxygen concentration meter AH-MX

眾里 掌上型血氧濃度儀ah Mx9 (2)

眾里 掌上型血氧濃度儀ah Mx9

Zhongli handheld blood oxygen concentration meter
"Acare" Handheld Pulse Oximeter
Model: AH-MX
Acare's handheld blood oxygen concentration meter uses infrared rays to non-invasively measure the oxygen content in human blood. Its purpose is to obtain the patient's oxygen level for necessary rescue and assist medical staff in diagnosis and observation. Zhongli's handheld blood oxygen concentration meter The oxygen concentration meter is a physiological monitoring device that is easy to carry and easy to operate.
Applicable objects: adults, children, infants
Department of Health Medical Equipment No. 003426

眾里 掌上型血氧濃度儀AH-MX

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